Cloud Governance in Multi-Cloud Environments

October 12, 2021


As more and more companies move to the cloud, they are finding that a multi-cloud environment offers many advantages, including redundancy, flexibility, and cost savings. However, managing and governing a multi-cloud environment can be a challenge. In this blog post, we will examine different cloud governance strategies and compare their effectiveness in a multi-cloud environment.

Cloud Governance Strategies

Centralized Governance

In a centralized governance strategy, all cloud services are managed by a single team or individual. This approach allows for consistent policies and standards across all cloud services. It also provides a unified view of all cloud resources and their respective costs. However, this approach can limit agility and cause delays in implementing changes.

Decentralized Governance

In a decentralized governance strategy, individual teams or departments manage their own cloud services. This approach allows for greater agility and faster response times. However, it can lead to inconsistencies in policies and standards across cloud services. It can also result in higher costs as each team may procure its own cloud services.

Federated Governance

In a federated governance strategy, multiple teams or departments share the responsibility for governing cloud services. This approach allows for a balance between agility and consistency. It can also result in cost savings as teams share cloud resources. However, it can be difficult to manage, and there may be a lack of clear accountability.


To compare these different governance strategies, we will use the following criteria:

  • Agility
  • Consistency
  • Cost Savings


In terms of agility, decentralized governance is the clear winner. Individual teams can make changes quickly, without waiting for approval from a centralized governance team. This enables faster innovation and time to market.


In terms of consistency, centralized governance comes out on top. With a single team managing all cloud services, policies and standards can be consistently applied across the board. This ensures compliance and reduces the risk of costly errors.

Cost Savings

Federated governance is the winner when it comes to cost savings. With multiple teams sharing cloud resources, there is less duplication of services, resulting in significant cost savings.


In a multi-cloud environment, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cloud governance. Each organization must weigh the pros and cons of each strategy, and choose the one that best meets its needs. However, by comparing the different governance strategies, we can see that there are tradeoffs between agility, consistency, and cost savings. By understanding these tradeoffs, organizations can make informed decisions about their cloud governance approach.


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